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Trying a NEW Technology


Updated: Mar 21, 2020

This will be a bit redundant to my "Blogger" blog...but I'm trying a new technology and would appreciate your feedback.

I wasn't anticipating that snow would be gone so soon, but except for some remaining slashes in the forest, we seem to be back to bare ground...for now. Our wet suits are a daily cover that help to keep us dry as well as a barrier for ticks.  Yup. 'Tis the season again. While we have not seen any yet at Dewey, there are reports that they are out.  We will be refreshing our tick check skills of ourselves and each other and ask that you be diligent at home with nightly inspections as well.

School Pictures

My son, Bailey (, had a great time taking "school" pictures this past week as well as taking some video demonstrating our beautiful indoor learning environment, the Village as our outdoor classroom, interviews, giggles, and the hard work of being an early learner. We hope to have a promotional video to share with you soon.

Photographer's Assistant

Photographer as taken by the assistant

Access to school pictures can be acquired by sending a message to Be prepared. Hair may be messy, smiles may not be what you find to be "picture perfect", but I believe the photos have well captured the individual personalities of these amazing kiddos! They have grown so much and are such incredibly capable, mindful, determined, individuals. I am in awe of their capacity daily and hope you are too! Again, if you find them worthy, please consider sending a donation to The Dewey School. The pictures are yours to print as you wish or order through the gallery to have them printed and shipped directly to you. After clicking the link above, follow these directions:"

You will be brought to a landing paged and prompted to click "open gallery."Inside the gallery, you'll find your child's specific album labeled with their first name. Clicking on their name will bring you to the photos!Clicking on a specific photos will enlarge the image and provide the option to download the image or add it to your shopping cart in a specific printed form.For downloading, click the icon, follow the prompts that are given, and you should see the image begin the download process. The watermark that you see previewed in the album will not download with the image -- their faces will show up text free!"

Crust and Crumb

Thinking positively, I'd like to look forward to some deliciousness from Crust and Crumb.  If you enjoyed your holiday treats in December...or if you missed out, here is your chance for more and support Dewey and our local independent baker at the same time.

CLICK HERE for the order form. Orders are due April 6 with delivery on April 10.

Dreaming of Summer?

We are!  We're dreaming of finding critters in the cool forest, using natural materials in artful ways, painting outside on an easel, and so much more.  We'd love to stay connected to our friends over the summer.  If you are considering a camp for your kiddo, please consider our three weeks of 1/2 day options.  From 9-noon, we'll explore and create.  Christina and I will be hosting Critter Camp and Annie and I will be hosting Rooted in Art. While it is advertised for 4-7, if we know your three year old, they may join in the fun. Register on line at



Dec 11-Dec 29 Magic Journey

December 22 Solstice Celebration

Dec 23-Jan 4  Holiday Vacation

Jan 22 Community Event at Gunstock



to our December birthday friends

Liam                        Dec 6

Josie                        Dec 6

Erin                         Dec 14

Annette                   Dec 30


The Dewey School would welcome donations of any of the following:


Floor puzzles (trains, dinosaurs, wildlife, nature, states, alphabet)

Sensory Bin Fillers:

*packing peanuts

*cardboard tubes

*bird seed

*cotton balls

*rubber bands


Materials and Tools

*tape: colored masking tape

*smallish shovels

Outside Messy Materials

*rope for bridges

*plastic culvert


*outdoor musical instruments





Think Gardening

Real gardening tools for our garden

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