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All Things Equal


Here at The Dewey School  we  are noticing the changes occurring in nature all around us; leaves are changing colors, squirrels and chipmunks are collecting the hickory nuts to store for food, and the temperatures are becoming cooler.  The Autumn Equinox is approaching quickly, next Tuesday to be exact, which means that the hours of daylight and hours of darkness are the same... creating balance.  Investigation of what the same or equal-to has become a part of our daily exploration through provocations this month.

Let’s take a closer look at the same and equal-to provocations this month. We hope you enjoy them as much as we all are.  

Sign language is part of our daily language at The Dewey School and this month we achieved an understanding of equal and similar!

What is a number cookie? It provides endless opportunities for counting, one-to-one correspondence, and number order. We discovered that the numeral cookies were the SAME as the cookies with the equal amount of dots. Through investigation, we found our age numeral cookie and its matching number cookie!

Autumn is upon us and nuts, bark, sticks, and leaves are all around us. Gathering materials on our Paradise Meadow created opportunities for discovering what weighs more, less, and the same. The accomplishment of balancing both buckets created joy!

Working together to pour and fill measuring cups, watching and questioning what will happen next, and how to accomplish filling each cup to the same line was shown through our smiles as we achieved the accomplishment that was instilled.

Happy Equinox!

~Miss Alexis and all the Dewey Teachers



Dec 11-Dec 29 Magic Journey

December 22 Solstice Celebration

Dec 23-Jan 4  Holiday Vacation

Jan 22 Community Event at Gunstock



to our December birthday friends

Liam                        Dec 6

Josie                        Dec 6

Erin                         Dec 14

Annette                   Dec 30


The Dewey School would welcome donations of any of the following:


Floor puzzles (trains, dinosaurs, wildlife, nature, states, alphabet)

Sensory Bin Fillers:

*packing peanuts

*cardboard tubes

*bird seed

*cotton balls

*rubber bands


Materials and Tools

*tape: colored masking tape

*smallish shovels

Outside Messy Materials

*rope for bridges

*plastic culvert


*outdoor musical instruments





Think Gardening

Real gardening tools for our garden

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