A Ladybug Infestation!

"What is this? A ladybug? Hiding in a moss covered log? Are they friends of the fairies? How'd they get here? How many are there? Come on....let's see if there are more!"
Begin at the Fairy Forest just off our Paradise Meadow. Follow the blue-blazes down the Meadow Pond Trail. Look high. Look low. Be sure to walk carefully and slow. Look to the north and to the south. See what you can see...but please look with your eyes and let the ladybugs be!
How many did you find? (Hint: there are more than 20....less than 70!) The number will be revealed on June 5...so hurry! Count your ladies and put your number on a ticket in the mailbox by the Dewey door.
Did you know there are 450 kinds of ladybugs in New England? These little ladies go through three stages before reaching the fourth adult stage. They will live 3-9 months depending on food availability and conditions.
Have a great time exploring!